Announcement about ETERNA
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
To all people who likes music, here 3 Senior High School proudly present a big concert that called ETERNA.
It's a colaburation of Musik Klasik 3, Band 3, KV, TsT, and many more. The event will be held at August 12th 2016 in Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House.
There are two session of this show. First is at 2 p.m and the second is at 8 p.m.
You can get the ticket in front of 3 Senior High School. For further information you can visit our school at Belitung Street number 8 Bandung.
You can see the video of announcement in here
Thank you for information and see you thereeee!!
To all people who likes music, here 3 Senior High School proudly present a big concert that called ETERNA.
It's a colaburation of Musik Klasik 3, Band 3, KV, TsT, and many more. The event will be held at August 12th 2016 in Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House.
There are two session of this show. First is at 2 p.m and the second is at 8 p.m.
You can get the ticket in front of 3 Senior High School. For further information you can visit our school at Belitung Street number 8 Bandung.
You can see the video of announcement in here
Thank you for information and see you thereeee!!
With Love,
Salsabilla Salaf
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