Festival Seni, Sastra, dan Budaya: MEGANTARA

                         Hello! Thank you for read my blog again. I'm Salsabilla Salaf and usually people call me Sabil. I'm from X Science 8 and I'll tell you about my experience in the big event. The big event was Megantara. Well, two days ago my school had a big event. The name of the event was Megantara. Megantara is our 3rd festival seni, sastra, dan budaya. Before Megantara, we had Matswapasti in 2014 and Gamarvani in 2015.
                         I came to Gamarvani in 2015 but I didn't come to Matswapati in 2014. I came to Gamarvani and the event was very spectacular. I really love the theme of the event. The theme was all about culture in West Java. I love the guest star too. Gamarvani's guest star were Hivi! and Adera. I don't really know songs of Adera but I really love Hivi!'s songs. My favo are Mata Ke Hati, Siapkah Kau 'Tuk Jatuh Cinta Lagi, Sama Sama Tahu, Indahnya Dirimu, and Orang Ketiga. I came to Gamarvani with my junior high school friends. We sang along and we spent our weekend time together. We enjoyed the show and it was really amazing!. We screamed loud and laughed a lot.
                        In 2016, I'm the new member of Warga Tiga and I really proud to be one of Warga Tiga. In the last day of PLiST, my senior had a event usually we called "Demo Ekskul (DeMeks)". In that event, OSIS SMAN 3 Bandung asked the new students who wants to be the member of OSIS and must rise your hand if you want to be the member of OSIS. I risen my hand and I got a bracelent with the word 'Warga Tiga' and everyone who gets the bracelent, they will be the committee of the big event Festival Seni, Sastra, dan Budaya (Fesbud) of SMAN 3 Bandung. I'm officially the committee of fesbud. The name of our fesbud was Megantara. I joined division of decoration. My sub-division was ticket booth.
                         We prepared our decoration from one month before Megantara. Our target was we must finish our decoration D-7 Megantara. Alhamdulillah, we could do that!. Well, my subdiv was ticket booth so I just made ticket booth. But, if I have free time I can help other subdiv. My team of ticket booth were Teh Muthe, Teh Fasya, Teh Ghina, Teh Feby, Teh Fania, Teh Kokom, Teh Melia, Sheila, Tsabit, Ariani, Micia, Shelia, and Adhisa. We worked every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. But, when the event was D-14 we worked everyday. I really love this subdiv because the senior was very kind to the junior and the senior was very funny. We worked together. We matched colour and it was really the happiest moment. We cut the triplexs and cut the woods together. We made the cute ticket booth and we finished D-7 Megantara and we were very proud. For your information, the senior of the division of decoration is very funny and humble to their junior. For example Teh Muthe, Kang Bagasta, Kang Fathir, Teh Ima, Teh Fasya, Teh Aca are really funny and always make us laugh so loud. Honestly, the kindest is Teh Muthe because she always smile and always looks happy. She usually bought us pizza. She is very kind!!
                          In Friday September 9th, We worked for the last time and we worked in Lapangan Bali. We worked until 8 p.m. Because my house is far from school, I came to my friend's house in Jl. Bali too. So I slept in there. In Saturday September 10th, the main day of our hard work. All the committee of Megantara came to Bangsal and we started briefing in 6 a.m. After that we enjoyed the parade and we watched it well. After the parade, in 11.35 a.m the gate of Megantara opened. Many people came and enjoyed the event. Our fesbud's theme was culture of Nusantara. And there were Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua islands. Every island there were a lot of traditional foods and it is very delicious. Many my friends came to Megantara. But because I was committee of this event I didn't spend with my friends and it was really sad😔. In 3 p.m there were a lot of people who came to Megantara. I really loved T'sT perfomance. They were really funny. The main of the guest star started with The Changcuters. The way they sang very funny and energic. It was really amazing! After that, Ran performed and It also was very amazing!.
                          Before the main guest stars performed, there was Ridwan Kamil who annouced the winner of fashion show traditional clothes. Well, Kang Emil is father of my senior, Kang Eril who one of the committee of Megantara.
                           The event was very spectacular and I really proud can be one of the committee. I hope next year I can be the committee again. See you next year in another our fesbud😉.
With love,

Salsabilla Salaf      


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