First Semester Holiday
Hello! Welcome back to my blog. Well, this is my first blog after my first semester holiday. So, now I will tell you about my "short" holiday. My school finished Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) on December 6th 2016. After that, we camped in Kiara Payung. The event called Camping Pramuka Tiga (CAMPRT). We spent two days one night in there. My team weren't happy at all, because we got the zonk place for our tent. There was huge wallow, so we couldn't sleep very well. But, we was still happy because during camped there were a lot of funny moments. After camping, we took our report on December 23th 2016. I was very grateful because I didn't get short semester so I can spend my holiday for two weeks. On the first day of holiday, I went to Balongan, Indramayu with my parents, my cousins, my nephew, and my niece. We started the travel on one pm and we arrived in there on 8 pm. We went there because there is my cousin...